¿Te imaginas poder gestionar tu fábrica desde cualquier lugar y dispositivo?
Con Captura DESKTOP, ahora es posible.


Can you imagine being able to manage your factory from anywhere and from any device? Captura DESKTOP makes it possible.

What is Captura DESKTOP?

The web desktop from where you can manage your factory

Every day Captura DESKTOP adds more functionalities and compatible applications, which act synergistically and specialize in specific functions so that each one of them gives you what you need at all times. They are powerful, simple, and focused on particular needs.

What can you do with Captura DESKTOP?

Access to Captura’s WAPPs wherever and whenever you want

Captura Desktop makes available, in a single place, all the web applications available to each user on each floor. Here you can always find the most current version of each of the web applications installed in your plant. Forget about version management and the installation of local applications. You can adapt it to your needs, your language, and much more.

Captura Desktop is multiplatform and mobile, so you will be able to enjoy Captura’s functionalities anywhere and on any device you use. Imagine being able to manage your factory from the comfort of your home by simply using your favorite laptop or tablet.

Thanks to the Esycontrol developer program, Captura opens up so that third-party WAPPs can be integrated to take advantage of all the power, information, and infrastructure that Captura provides extending its functionalities to infinity. Once installed in your plant, you will have them on your web desktop along with the rest of the contracted services of Captura’s suits. Imagine being able to integrate your augmented reality system using the real-time information generated by your factory, and now, stop imagining, because all that and more is possible with Captura.

¿Qué podrás hacer con Captura DESKTOP?

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